San Luis Potosí, S.L.P. April 5th, 2018
FLUDEK S.A. DE C.V., located at 2ª Cerrada de Madrigal 13-A, Fraccionamiento Madrigal. C.P. 78170, San Luis Potosí, S.L.P. México, in compliance with Personal Data Protection Law in possession of private individuals notifies present Privacy Notice.
FLUDEK S.A. DE C.V., located at 2ª Cerrada de Madrigal 13-A, Fraccionamiento Madrigal. C.P. 78170, San Luis Potosí, S.L.P. México and telephone no. (444) 811-6380 with email info@fludek.mx, will be responsible of handling your personal data, use done to the same and of their protection. Your personal information will be used for the purpose of: (I) internal use analysis and preparing statistical reports, (II) personal, customers, suppliers and service providers file control (III) marketing, offers and promotions by FLUDEK S.A. de C.V., (IV) determine your credit capacity and in case credit is granted, (v) request and provide commercial references, and (VI) any other activity related with the social purpose of FLUDEK, S.A. de C.V. For the objectives aforementioned, we require to obtain the following personal data: Name, address, telephone no., email, ID, RFC, among others. We are committed to treat your personal or sensitive information under safety measures, always assuring its confidentiality.
You have the right to Access, Modify, and/or Cancel your personal data, and object to its treatment or disclosure as well and/or limit or revoke consent that for that purpose you have granted us. In respect thereof, you can contact our personal data department with address at 2ª Cerrada de Madrigal 13-A, Fraccionamiento Madrigal. C.P. 78170, San Luis Potosí, S.L.P. México and telephone no. (444) 811-6380 or visit our page in Internet www.fludek.mx, or else it can be by a written request to be sent to email info@fludek.mx containing at least: a).- name and address or any other means to communicate an answer to your request; b).- documents proving your identity or, in its case, legal representation; c).- clear and accurate description of personal data of any of the ARCO rights you are requesting to exert upon; d).- expressed manifestation to revoke your consent to your personal data treatment, and therefore, for not being used; e).- any other element facilitating personal data localization.
We also inform you that your personal data can be transferred and treated by persons different to this Company. In that sense, your information may be shared with affiliates, investigation agencies, Credit Associations, credit reference requests, and any other physical or moral person as well, that at discretion such information can be delivered, all above, for credit investigation. If you do not express your opposition for your personal data to be transferred, it will be understood that you granted your consent to do it.
FLUDEK, S.A. de C.V. is not and will not be responsible for your personal information accuracy you are providing, nor its verification and/or updating, and if you do not request a change or modification of information, it will be assumed that information is accurate and true with all implications this involves, being you the only responsible for the personal information provided and its consequences.
Any modification and/or updating of this privacy notice can be referred to at: www.fludek.mx